BrightStart Kids Brave Rain for Goodies
It was a dark and stormy morning …
But a little heavy weather will never put a damper on a BrightStart party! The patients and staff at BrightStart Orlando had a fine time inside and outside, even while some rain postponed the plan to conquer the entire Southchase Village.
As with every BrightStart day, there was still all sorts of nursing, therapy and love going on around the place. There was also the anticipation for a Halloween parade no matter how uncooperative the weather was.
With typical Paw Patrol determination, Skye (who suspiciously resembled Nurse Karen) led superheroes, princesses and little pumpkins in an inspired dance party in front of the Orlando center.
Thus energized, the group made a spirited dash to rescue treats from two of our generous and thoughtful neighbors: Hibbett Sports and Smile Design Dentistry. Along the way our busy characters were able to bring plenty of good Halloween cheer to folks visiting some of the other retailers in the area.
After that humidifying experience the gang regrouped at the center for more treats from their dedicated staff, plus more kid-friendly Halloween music and fun with a wild light show coming out of the nursing office. Many of these elements are being incorporated into BrightStart’s new “Club Therapy”, shown to benefit kids of all ages.
With the actual Halloween date still to come over the weekend, this Thursday party was a perfect warm up for the adorable BrightStart Orlando kids.
Now – how about a little something for you? Hold out your treat buckets – here’s a couple of handfuls of photos!