Definitely No Time To Cry
He’s back … and he’s jollier than ever! It really was no time to cry because Santa Claus appeared in person to visit with the patients at Brightstart Pediatrics Winter Garden.
An overcast December day did not dampen any holiday spirits. The center was filled to the top with gifts and cheer, including proud members of the Valencia Elves Union Local 246: Skylar and Karissa.
A spokes-elf contacted BrightStart ahead of Santa’s visit, allowing the Winter Garden center to set up a special reception area for patients to visit with Mr. Claus, who also arrived with gifts!
Santa brought another special guest to the holiday celebration at Winter Garden, Marie Vazquez-Brooks, the Dean for Valencia’s School of Allied Health. BrightStart is delighted and honored to have her take time to join us for this event.
It was the first time at the holiday rodeo for some tiny patients and the results were really quite good and full of laughter! As always Santa had time to visit with parents and siblings of our patients who obviously made the good list as well.
Plans for story time originally included beloved Icelandic children’s author Dr. Suessson’s tale of the Jólakötturinn in Hattur (Yule Cat in a Hat), but in all the festivities we simply ran out of time.
BrightStart thanks our wonderful Winter Garden staff for whipping up a wild Christmas party!
Thank you, Winter Garden families for letting us care for your precious gifts now and through the year.
What better way to spend a December Tuesday? Santa’s visit went by so quickly! We’re already looking forward to next year and wishing our dear friend the best on his very busy week. We also can’t help but wonder … where will he appear next?
If he’s headed for a BrightStart location, you’ll see it all here. Get some treats and keep checking in with us!
Meanwhile you can join the fun in our latest photo gallery!