Our field trip Tuesday was twice as BrightStart! Patients from our Sanford and Winter Garden centers met for a romp through the pumpkin patch at the Club Lake Plantation Fall Festival in Apopka.

Okay, that’s not accurate. We meant to say that the intent of the field trip was to romp through the pumpkin patch. It was a fantastic presentation of pumpkins – we’ve got a couple of photos here to prove it. But it was competing with what was pretty much a fall festival theme park, and the BrightStart patients, at full speed, promptly wore themselves out by lunch time!
There was fun to be had at the sand pile, the hay bale maze, the corn maze, tricycle ride, swings, a row of throwing games, a couple of climbing play structures with slides … and as it was, the group didn’t make it to everything on the very large Club Lake property. Plenty of great October fun to keep patients and their handlers busy.
That was how this annual pumpkin patch field trip managed to get all the way to Apopka and back, and not really visit the pumpkin patch.
It’s a field trip – but nursing always comes along.
Good thing we’ve got a bit of time to get re-energized for some serious fall fun. Halloween is just around the corner – but not the kind of Halloween that jumps out and scares you; more like costumes, candy and general BrightStart mayhem. We will, of course, share plenty of photos.
Thanks as always to the dedicated crews of our Sanford and Winter Garden centers, and for the BrightStart families and siblings who were able to join us. We got to see lots of other visitors and make a few friends.

Thanks very much to our venue, Club Lake Plantation. This beautiful 43-acre ranch in Apopka hosts many special events – learn all about them by clicking here.
Meanwhile, get some October sunshine in our latest photo gallery!