BrightStart Winter Garden took to the streets of downtown for our very first Trick or Treat on the west side!
Led by Rainbow Dash (who resembles Joann), our fun little bunch brought even more sunshine to a perfect Monday. You get it all here – mermaids who don’t like their wig, mobile nursing, momentary melt-downs, treats delivered by dogs and the sleepy aftermath of it all. This is how BrightStart takes a field trip.
BrightStart wants to offer sincere thanks to local businesses who took time to greet us and had special treats ready for our little pumpkins:
- Southern Heritage Realty, Inc.
- Edward Jones Investments
- Woof Gang Bakery
- Allen & Company Professional Surveyors & Mappers
- Ms. Bee’s Popcorn & Candy Shoppe
- Grace’s Gifts
- Tri & Run of West Orange
And now the treat you’ve been waiting for: a new photo gallery! We dare you to get through it without smiling. No, we double dare you. No – we triple-dog-dare you.
On to the photos!