2023 Holiday Glee

Santa Lights Up BrightStart Winter Garden

Less than a week from Christmas, BrightStart Winter Garden patients welcomed Santa Claus for a visit!

Elf Therapy Corps, reporting for duty! (One elf therapist was out on patrol, or something)
You don’t need eight reindeer when you have these three.

Santa admitted that an unnamed source tipped him off about the Winter Garden center’s planned holiday party, and it seemed an appropriate time to make an appearance. He thanked everyone for last year’s cookie plate, but politely asked for milk or coffee instead of Pediasure.

When you’re scrolling through our holiday photo gallery …
… waiting for this one.

Mr. Kringle was again confronted by patients with questions about his transportation. He confirmed that Rudolph and the riendeer remain as the official engine for his Christmas Eve expedition.

He dismissed the widely reported rumors of a cancelled electric sleigh project and resulting feud with someone whose name rhymes with ’neon dusk’.

Another year, another Santa visit … a new group of elves! What a fine festive trio accompanied Mr. Claus, in their first PPEC experience! Bethany, Mariana and Will proudly represented Valencia Local Elves Union 23-03, and we were so grateful for their help in distributing a terrific haul of gifts.

With gifts distributed, Santa gave hearty holiday greetings to the patients and staff, and said he had two more stops this week in our area. Could it be … ?

PPEC pro fashion tip: Your equipment should be as nicely dressed as you are.
Food photos at BrightStart.
Seriously trending right now.

Check in again with us tomorrow! Meanwhile get a holiday snack and enjoy our latest photo gallery.