Do You Know The Pizza Man?

Our Toppings: Nursing, Therapy & Love

BrightStart Winter Garden caregivers were recognized by Papa John’s Pizza as part of their Hometown Heroes project – we’ll raise a slice to that!

On hand to deliver the the thank you message was Seth Yamamoto. “We are so happy to recognize the staff at BrightStart for all they do for their patients,” he told the group.

We could not have picked a day with more rain for Seth to visit. Hurricane Debby rolled in overnight to wreak havoc in the Gulf and all the way in to Central Florida.

Papa John’s Hometown Heroes project recognizes various people and organizations in the community including law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, and this time around …. nurses and therapists!

Seth looks familiar because he stopped by to bestow the Hometown Heroes honor on the Orlando crew earlier this summer. At Winter Garden he got a closer look at how the nursing and therapy staff actually go about delivering the BrightStart menu. (The menu is Nursing, Therapy & Love, in case you didn’t know. No substitutions!)

Where does BrightStart get staff? From the Staffing Closet™, of course! Seen here, Winter Garden staff members patiently await assignment.
Weather advisories – not happening. It’s sunshine and smiles at BrightStart today!
Ask your location about the Only Patient Program©, where patients get the attention of multiple caregivers at once. (Availability is limited and subject to severe weather)
Rain and wind also brought out the Stealth Patients, several of which are in this image.

Our humble thanks to Papa John’s for selecting BrightStart to be recognized as part of their terrific project!