BrightStart Patients Preen for Halloween

Scary & Sweet Treats in Sanford

It was a bright and mild Tuesday … the kind of day that makes you think of … Halloween!

Actually things started out good and spooky with lots of fog, but it was all sunshine and lollipops by the time patients at BrightStart Sanford started their Halloween Parade.

It was a parade of cuteness, overtaking the plaza at the Brio Business Center. Our neighbors, many of whom have participated in Halloween activities for a decade or more, handed out candy and smiles. A few neighbors really got in the spirit and were handing out candy and smiles in their own costumes!

“The claw … the claw!”
“… and please, Great Pumpkin, don’t let me get any of those awful circus peanuts.”

What a cross section of characters to see in 2023 – multiple Minnies, a couple of Wonder Women, a baby bat boy, a Seminole and his baby brother ball. The therapy team took a deep dive with Ariel, Sebastian and Ursula.

As always, BrightStart was so happy to have some families attend and be part of the fun.

“Yeah, and the fuel is not just plant based – it’s plants! I’m crushing it on mileage.”

As with any day at BrightStart, there may be fun all around but there’s still plenty of nursing and therapy at work – sometimes cleverly disguised. Music therapy rocked the pre-school gang, while the toddlers enjoyed and were equally repelled by pumpkin carving.

Once you find out where pumpkin spice comes from, you kind of lose the taste for it.

Top everything off with a pizza lunch and you have a fantastic Halloween – and probably still the whole evening of trick-or-treating still to go.

Here’s our treat to you – a sweet photo gallery!

Nurse Evelyn doesn’t care if you see her taking her ‘percentage’ from the candy bags.
“My candy bag seems light. Know anything about it?”