Annual Costume Parade Rocks Brio Business Center

The official BrightStart Weather Ghost™ called for sunny skies with a plesant breeze … and an incredible Halloween party at BrightStart Sanford!
The generosity and fun stirred up by our neighbors in the Brio Business Center was positively frightening. Many have been handing out candy and smiles for well over a decade – and our new neighbors didn’t miss a beat entertaining patients (and some families) in the big parade.

Home of the Hottest Therapists. Ever.
Since it’s said that the celebration of Halloween originated from an ancient Celtic festival (Samhain, but we know that you know that already) it was only appropriate to have a Lucky Nurse on hand. There were all manner of creatures and characters around, from butterflies to bears to the Oogie Boogie Aide. Oh, and Crazy Cat Lady. (It’s claws not paws if we don’t mention her.)

When you go through the gallery you may even notice that some staff members have multiple Halloween identities.

For one day only the Sanford center also added Emotion Therapists to our disciplines … welcoming Anger, Disgust and Anxiety to the mix. (Yep. Those were the friendly emotions invited to play.)

BrightStart extends a very big thank you to the gracious businesses in the Brio Business Center who came out to celebrate the fun with our patients, families and staff. It’s downright spooky how great the neighbors are!
We’ve got our usual sweet treat for you, while you’re sorting through all the good candy – our latest photo gallery!